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Darwin COVID lockdown until 1pm, Friday 2nd July 2021

Due to the current lockdown, Yilli is running on very limited staff. Our activities are limited to essential services such as urgent repairs and maintenance. Please take note that all communities (town camps) are closed, no visitors and non-essintial workers are allowed to enter the communities.

YiSSA Short Stay Accommodation will only only servicing current guests and clients. We are not taking new individual bookings at this stage. All guests and clients are required to wear a mask within the public area.

If you are in the Greater Darwin lockdown area you must stay here. If you are outside the lockdown area you should stay in your community. That is the safest place for you and your family.

Please take all precautions and stay safe. Remember the only 5 reasons you can leave your home are:

- Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination

- For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications

- For work that is considered essential

- For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house

- To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.

We strongly encourage our stakeholders to get vaccinated to help protect our wider community. For vaccine booking please click on this link:

For more information and updated news please visit

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